
Ultimate Chocolate Chip Cookie Recipe

Today is National Chocolate Chip Cookie Day, so I decided to share my favorite recipe for baking them! There are millions of recipes out there, all with slight variations, however, this one always consistently comes out delicious and it’s easy to make. I discovered this recipe a few years ago after trying out a lot …

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Skateboarding On The Spectrum

When most people think of skateboarding, their first thoughts are usually something along the lines of misfit teens, punk rock, or maybe even guys like Tony Hawk. What they don’t think about, is just how amazing skateboarding is for kids who need occupational therapy. Kids like Everett, who are on the autism spectrum. Kids like …

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Earth Day 2020

Happy 50th Earth Day! This years theme is Climate Action, so we focused on Wind Power. We read the kids Keith Negley’s newest book, The Boy and The Wild Blue Girl and made aluminum foil sailboats that we powered with wind. Why wind power? Simple. Wind power is one of the cleanest forms of energy …

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Easy Strawberry Tart

Strawberry Season Every year we have a tradition- fruit picking. Sometimes it’s apples, sometimes it’s blueberries & blackberries, but our favorite so far has definitely been strawberries!Honestly fruit picking is pretty rad. I mean you can stop and have a fresh snack break whenever you want, it’s a great bonding and memory making experience, and …

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Rainbow Fun

On Monday we woke up to find that the crazy storms knocked over a huge tree in our front yard. Finn is having the time of his life exploring it and we were lucky that it didn’t do much damage. Our luck inspired me to make some fun rainbow crafts, because after all, after every …

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Mess-Free Ziploc Bag Painting

Everett is spending the next week or two with his Gigi, so Finn and I get to spend some quality one-on-one time together. Today, I decided to commemorate our special time together with a mess-free painting project. Items Needed This is one activity that can go so many ways. It’s totally open ended. You can …

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Easter Sensory Bins

Yesterday we made shaving cream paint and it quickly turned into utter chaos. Finn started painting himself, both boys wanted their booties painted, and so on. I decided to embrace the chaos of messy play and use the remaining shaving cream for a sensory tub. I used some water marbles, eggs, and also grabbed some …

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Easter Painting Projects

Today we brought out more fun painting projects! I wanted to have today’s painting projects be a little less messy than our rock painting day, so I found some easy to make and clean up painting projects. I think now that we are schooling at home, I really need to invest in a drop cloth! …

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Educational Egg Activities

Every Easter I end up with a gazillion plastic eggs that the kids like to trail across the house like little egg landmines. I’m stuck with the conundrum: do I toss this plastic crap away and just buy new eggs next year or do I save them and reuse them next year? I always end …

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Rock Easter Egg Hunt

With everything going on with Covid-19, understandably all of our local Easter Egg Hunts were canceled. The boys were pretty bummed, and although we have some egg filled goodies ready for them to hunt on Easter, we wanted to spread some joy to our friends and neighbors. We decided to put on our own little …

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