Egg-Citing Egg-periments

Continuing with this weeks Easter theme, the boys and I did some fun egg-periments. We did 5 experiments in total, however, today we are only going to talk about 3 cool experiments using 1 egg. Look for the other experiments ove the next few days. The experiments today all evolve around making a rubber egg. …

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Easter Engineering

Todays Easter Activity is: Engineering! If couldn’t already tell, we LOVE STEAM activities in this house. They are fun and educational on multiple levels. We still had some peeps leftover from yesterday, so we decided to get crafty and build some Easter candy structure challenges. The cool thing about this activity is that you can …

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Edible Peep Playdough

Easter is just around the corner, so this week I’m focusing on fun Easter activities. Today I’ll be focusing on edible peep playdough and slime. The best thing about this activity, is that it covers all the bases: it’s fun, educational, delicious, easy to make, and pretty to look at! Ingredients & Instructions Instructions: Place peeps into …

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Fizzy Paint Art

The kids have been begging to do more “volcano” type activities since making our Lemon-Cano earlier this week. I decided that today we would get a little artsy with them while incorporating our science fun. This is a really versatile activity that you can do multiple ways. We did it two different ways, Finn got …

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