
Home Therapy

Everett gets 1 hour of therapy with a trained therapist per week. We rotate biweekly between occupational therapy and feeding therapy/yoga. What does that mean? The other 167 hours in the week are ALL ME. Granted, he sleeps for part of that, so lets say approx 100 hrs a week, I’m focusing on what I need to do to balance Everett’s therapeutic needs with everything else, like Finn and my husband. I’m not going to lie, sometimes I lose sight of that bigger picture, but I’m working on stepping back and taking a breath when we get frustrated and overwhelmed.

Therapy: What, Why, & How.

Therapy. Aside from the questions I get about SPD, the other set of questions I get asked the most about are Everett’s therapy.
Most people don’t realize that there is therapy for kids like Everett, so they always ask what exactly it entails and if it will “fix him.”
First and foremost, let’s talk about what “sensory integration therapy” is.

Sensory integration therapy aims to help kids with sensory processing issues by exposing them to sensory stimulation in a structured, repetitive way.

The theory behind it is that over time, the brain will adapt and allow kids to process and react to sensations more efficiently. So no, it will not “fix” Everett, but it will help him integrate better into societal norms.
So I’ve answered the what and why, let’s talk about how therapy works.


I’m learning about advocating and proactively confronting social issues. Teaching Everett how to properly engage and play with others, as well as teaching them how to play with him.

Buy All The Things!

We get a lot of questions about where we buy our rad outfits, especially for our advocacy items, so I figured today was a perfect day to showcase some of our favorites! As an added bonus, some of the shops will be having sales today and/or donating to Autism positive organizations throughout the month.

Resources & Steps To Getting Your Child An SPD Diagnosis

One of the questions I get asked most frequently, is how we figured out Everett had Sensory Processing Disorder and how they could spot it with their child.
The conversation usually starts with a “I hope you don’t mind,” and they’ll ask some question about SPD, such as “was Everett diagnosed easily?” “Does he have food aversions?” “Does Everett have issues transitioning?” The list goes on and on.